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Portmoak Moss lantern event: 25 October 13

The first lantern event in Portmoak Moss, on October 25th, was a huge success with more than 230 people turning up. The rain cleared up in time for around 400 tea-lights to be distributed along a mile of paths, inviting people to wander deep into the woods. Some brought their own home-made lanterns while pupils at Portmoak Primary constructed a giant paper lantern dragonfly which greeted visitors as they made their way round the Moss.

There were other surprises, in the shape of magical woodland characters like ‘Thumblefin’ (the elf-goblin) and two flying fairies (pictured). And mysterious music provided by a phantom woodwind player (Krys Hawryszczuk), who no-one could detect amongst the trees.

Real wildlife was also on display, thanks to George Guthrie of Butterfly Conservation, who set up a moth trap to help people identify and count the moths that make Portmoak Moss their home. Walkers also enjoyed hot chocolate and camp fire music before they headed home.

This was the first evening of its kind organised by Woodland Trust Scotland with help from the Portmoak Community Woodland Group. Jill Donachie of WTS said: “Thanks to Lochend Farm Shop for hosting our shuttle bus transfers, to Tullibole Castle for use of their fairylights and to the many volunteers from around the community who helped everything run smoothly. It wouldn’t have been half as good without you.”

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Portmoak Moss - Woodland Trust

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Woodland Trust Scotland

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