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Community consultation on the future of Portmoak Moss: Friday 5 December: Well Inn: 18:00-20:00

Woodland Trust Scotland will soon be drawing up their five year management plan for Portmoak Moss. The Community Woodland Steering Group decided this was a good time to come up with some of our own ideas so with money from the Heritage Lottery Fund, matched by Scottish Natural Heritage, we’ve commissioned a team of specialists to look at all aspects of Portmoak Moss.

Please join us on Friday December 5th at The Well Country Inn, Scotlandwell, for a drop-in session, starting at 6pm. This is everyone’s opportunity to express views on the future of the Moss and our consultant will be there with maps and various ideas for you to comment on. The event will last for an hour or two and will be very informal.

The Moss is a very special place, in so many ways, for so many people and whilst not wishing to lose any of that we also want to explore the potential to create a much more diverse set of habitats and continue to restore the function of the Moss as a carbon store and flood control mechanism. Come along and give us your ideas and opinions!

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Portmoak Moss - Woodland Trust

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