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Burns Supper: 24 January 2015

As usual, we all trooped into the Village Hall like haggises to the slaughter. Which Bill Carr - in the uniform of the Surgeon to Manus O'Cahan's Regiment of the Army of James Graham, 1st Marquis of Montrose in the Service of King Charles 1st in Scotland - duly did.

Former MSP John McAllion remembered the Immortal One, Fi Cooper gave us all lice. Or at least, The Louse, and Elaine Carruthers gave us another poem, now lost in the mists of time and whisky. Mike and Gerry and the Portmoak Players strummed, blew, fiddled about and sang, then Karen reminded everyone how lucky they were to have such a wonderful steering group to look after their woodlands for them. Meeting ajourned in the wee sma' hours.

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