February Figures 2024
Hello B[L]OG Friends …..
Disappointed to miss the 6,000 trees pulled mark, but not a bad month’s work really.
February Data:-
1004 total trees removed
321 Birch trees (32%)
666 Spruce (66%)
And 16 Scots Pine and 1 Rowan.
I’ve spent just under 19 hours removing trees from the Moss on 13 different days in February.
Favourite wildlife encounter: not strictly on the Moss itself, but one morning I was coming in from the Scotlandwell side and saw two red squirrels chasing each other up one of the old scots pine there. If you want to know which tree, it was the one with a plastic squirrel on it!
Other days not included in my stats: The Bog Squad (Butterfly Conservation) and Nature Scot spent a day each clearing regeneration from a different area. Both groups did great work fuelled by the famous Portmoak Marje’s hot fruit crumbles.
Email me via the Contact Page with your comments, questions and thoughts.
Thank you.
Blogged by Lesley B.